Monday, 23 March 2015

Usage of Phenibut as a Natural Nootropic Supplement For Relaxing Brain And Body

Phenibut is a natural nootropic, which helps in reducing the level of nervousness, stress and anxiety. It also helps in increasing the cognitive activity of the brain. It helps in reducing anxiety by improving sleep. It has the same GABA receptors as alcohol and even its relaxing effect is also same as alcohol.

  • The connection between phenibut and alcohol:-
Phenibut is a natural derivative of GABA. The alcohol also has the same GABA receptors. Increasing GABA levels in brain helps in relaxation, so the people who suffer from anxiety and stress use this supplement to boost themselves. Though, both phenibut and alcohol have the same effects, it is not advisable to use both at a same time.

As GABA receptors cannot cross the blood brain barriers, it is advisable to use a supplement like phenibut, which has the same effect as GABA and can even cross the blood brain barriers. Phenibut stimulates two types of receptors namely GABA-A and GABA-B. Even alcohol stimulate GABA receptors. However, in spite of having the same GABA receptors, many users have reported that they feel more relaxed by taking phenibut rather than alcohol.

  • Benefits of taking phenibut powder:-
The main benefit of phenibut is that, it helps in withdrawal from alcohol addiction. These supplements help in decreasing anxiety and nervousness level, and enhance cognitive activity. It helps your body to reset the natural balance level of GABA by reducing the level of anxiety and strain. As it works like a sedative, many users use it to relax after a busy day.

Scientists also think that phenibut can prove beneficial to the person, who is suffering from over activeness of neural processing. Even the phenibut users have reported that they feel more relaxed and calm after taking phenibut as a supplement. In addition, even they noticed improvement in their brain function, learning and memory.
  • Taking phenibut to fall asleep:-
If you suffer from insomnia and cannot sleep due to lack of sufficient sound sleep, then taking phenibut before going to bed can help you in promoting better and sound sleep. It turns off your mind in order to promote sound sleep.  This supplement can also avoid neuronal cell damage caused by excessive stress hormones. It also has the cardioprotective benefits that can reduce the strain on your heart ventricles.

For more guidelines and productive usage of phenibut, you can visit the website

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Phenibut - A Natural Nootropic Supplement Helps In Increasing Cognitive Activity

As a natural nootropic supplement, Phenibut is suggested for reducing the level of depression, providing sound sleep and increasing cognitive activity. Even it is used by people, who suffer from anxiety problem. This medicine is available in the name Noofen. Its chemical name is Beta-phenyl-gamma-aminobutyric acid.

It also has number of different usefulness and it does not have the risk of side effects, if used properly as directed by the physician. It is a natural derivative of GABA, which inhibits neurotransmitter in the brain. GABA promotes relaxation and calmness. Thus, when you take Phenibut, as a supplement, it helps in reproducing the sane effects as GABA. 

Phenibut works as Alcohol, which arouses the GABA receptors to decrease the level of nervousness, stress and gives sedative effects. This quality of phenibut makes it different from other nootropics. This supplement acts as an anxiolytic, which helps in reducing the level of stress and nervousness occurring due to hyper activeness of neural processing. Phenibut also helps in reducing the over thinking nature.

  • Phenibut has sedative effects and reduces negativity:-
As phenibut is known for its sedative effects that help in getting a sound sleep, you can take this supplement, if you are not able to sleep properly. It has neuroprotective abilities due to its anti stress effects. Even it was proved in many reports that this supplement can avoid neuronal cell damage due to excessive stress hormones. In addition, it also has cardioprotective benefits, which helps in reducing the strain on heart ventricles.

Some of the users also reported that they have less negative thinking, as this supplement boost up their cognitive and mental activity. Phenibut also improves the brain development by enhancing the capability of learning, memory and imaginative thinking.

  • Phenibut dosage instruction:-
As phenibut is consider as a strong component, it is very necessary to regulate your dosage. Its suggested dose is 250mg-1000mg. In addition, it is always suggested to start it from a small dose, so that your body becomes compatible to it. As the effect of this supplement stays for long time, it is advisable to take one dosage of it per day. As it is available in powder form, you can mix it with juice or water. The powder dissolves easily in liquid.

Thus, taking phenibut will definitely prove beneficial for your brain development and reduces your nervousness and stress levels.

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Phenibut - A Natural Nootropic Supplement for Relaxation of Neurons

Phenibut is a natural nootropic supplement, which is best for brain improvement. It includes GABA particles - a neurotransmitter, which helps in moderating the stimulation of neurons across the nervous system. Moreover, as GABA particles play an important role in brain, you need to take phenibut dosage wisely.

Phenibut as a nootropic has a number of benefits. It helps in reducing the nervousness level and strain, increases the cognitive function, enhances the power of learning and memory, making you feel relaxed and calm, etc. It also has cardioprotective benefits, which helps in reducing strain from your heart ventricles.

  • People taking phenibut:-
Many users of phenibut have reported that they feel relaxed and calm after taking phenibut. It even helps in promoting sound sleep to those, who are suffering from insomnia. This supplement has also proved to get better cognitive function such as better memory power and innovative thinking. It is also considered as a better supplement rather than taking sleeping pills or other chemical products.
  • Phenibut causing no harm to brain:-
Based on certain reports, it is stated that phenibut is a better supplement for protecting brain and its neurons from certain injuries. Usually, the damage in the neurons is caused due to high level of anxiety or stressed hormones. Phenibut works effectively on it by decreasing the level of stressed hormones and makes you feel relaxed and calm. The additional benefit of this supplement is that, it is cardioprotective, which helps in reducing the strain on heart ventricles.

  • Phenibut dosage suggestion:-
As phenibut is considered as a strong supplement, you need to regulate its dosage wisely or as directed by physician or doctor. Phenibut dosage outline stands between 250mg-1000mg. It is always advisable to start its dosage with a low dose, so that your body can become compatible to it. As its effects stay last long, it is advisable to take it once a day or twice a day in a gap of 6-7 hours. 

When and how to take phenibut powder:-

Many users report that they prefer taking phenibut in the evening rather than taking it in the morning. Phenibut powder is soluble in water, so you can mix it with juice or water. You can even make your own capsules by using the powder. The powder form is sour and more powerful.
Thus, phenibut as a natural nootropic supplement can prove to be beneficial, if taken wisely and under expert guidance.